St. Mary & St. Barbara

Catholic Churches
Funeral Rites in the Catholic Church

Planning a Funeral?
Dear family and friends of the deceased,
It is the hope of the parishioners of St. Mary & Barbara Catholic Churches, in as many ways as is possible, to help you through this time of pain and suffering due to the loss of your loved one. Please feel free to call upon our staff to assist you in your need.
A Christian Funeral brings necessary closure during the grieving process. The funeral rites of the Church not only commend your loved one into the arms of our merciful Father, but also promote our hope in the resurrection of all the baptized. Your active involvement in the funeral rites will bring you and your family comfort and meaning.
There are several ways to be involved and to involve members of your family and members of this parish in your time of great need.
You are invited to select the readings from the sacred scripture that will be used during the celebration of the Mass of Christian Burial. Take some time with your family and select one reading from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament and one from the Gospels. If there is a capable, Catholic family member, friend or lector from the parish that you would like to proclaim the first two readings please call upon them to function in this capacity and then advise the priest of your choice. If there is Scripture passage that you desire that is not listed, please mention it to me.
The gifts of water, bread and wine need to be brought up at the offertory and this would be most appropriately done by practicing Catholics who will themselves be able to receive Holy Communion.
Music is a very important part of the liturgy and a list of music selections that are most appropriate and that are in the Breaking Bread songbooks is included in this packet. These songs are most definitely known to us. However, please feel free to discuss with the music director any other selections that might have particular meaning for you and your family. Please select a gathering and closing song from the first grouping of songs, one song for the preparation of gifts and another for during the distribution of communion. If you would like, our funeral choir can sing a selection in place of the congregation during the preparation of gifts or communion. (See Funeral Music to the right)
You are also free to request any of our trained servers, adult or youth, to serve the Mass. If you have one or two in mind please advise me at (906) 563-9845.
The Funeral Luncheon Committee is also willing to work with you on providing a luncheon for the family and friends of the deceased. If you desire to have this service provided I would ask that you would be in touch with Mary Lindstrom at (906) 563-9845. She will be happy to direct you to the right chairperson and provide details about the luncheon options. (Please see Funeral Luncheon guidelines listed to the right).
If there is a desire to memorialize your loved one in a special way there are several options available and most particularly our parish family Tree of Life that is erected in the entryway of the church. Please see our Giving page.
Suggested stipends are as follows: Organist $75.00 and Choir $30.00. The Funeral Luncheon Committee charges a certain amount for some food items, while there is no specified fee for their service, a donation would be appreciated for maintaining the kitchen and supplies. There is no charge for the use of our facilities.
I hope that this packet is helpful to you and your family. If there is anything else that would assist you at this time, please do not hesitate to call (563-9845). Be assured of my prayers for you and your loved one.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Fr. Timothy M. Ekaitis, Pastor